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(version française)

Letter to Members


12 March 2009



The « Association Jacques Benveniste pour la Recherche » was founded on March 12th, 2005. It has been four years since we work to foster vocations and to promote the development of new fields of research in the field of life sciences. The Association supports particularly the domains of research opened by Jacques Benveniste: disciplinary interfaces between biology, physical physics and chemistry, intra-and inter-cellular signalling, innovative research in life sciences which are not the object of important institutional supports. We promote the work and the scientific approach of Jacques. 

A saying occurs to me: "chi va piano, va sano; chi va sano, va lontano". Indeed, our limited means force us to a slow progress, following the example of the long-distance runner. But the world changed a lot since the premature passing of Jacques, on October 3rd, 2004. Numerous remarkable events took place; some were supported by the Association. We have focused our efforts on the support of scientific demonstrations in the heart of the issue raised by Jacques. But first of all let us speak about Jacques' book " My truth on the Memory of the Water ", written in association with François Cote, which we published posthumously, with the publisher Albin-Michel in April 2005. The good news is that it is exhausted today but Albin-Michel decided to reprint it. Let us recall that it was also published in Japanese, in March 2006. Then, further to an approach strongly supported by the Association, which not only found an Italian editor, but also translated the text and revised the translation by a review panel, the book was published in Italian in December, 2006. Since, volunteers worked on the English and Spanish translation of the text, which provide the baseline for seeking publishers for these languages.

In 2006, the Association supported the conference "COHERENCE" dedicated to the cycle and biophysics of the water, which was held in Rome from 21 to 23 April.

During the year 2007, the Association has worked particularly on the creation of the " Jacques Benveniste Prize", known internationally also under the name of " Benveniste Award ". This prize was awarded for the first time on October 6th, 2007 to ten authors of the best works on the biophysical anomalies of water, during the VII International Crimean Conference "Cosmos and Biosphere" (1-6 October 2007).

On October 27th, 2007, a very important conference on the future of the fight against viruses, in particular against that of AIDS, was held at the University LUDES of Lugano, on the occasion of the presentation of the archives of Jacques Benveniste's laboratory, put at the disposal and custody of  University. The discoverer of the AIDS virus and the Chairman of the World Foundation for the Research and Prevention of AIDS, UNESCO, LUC MONTAGNIER presented some of his current works
that are based on the discovery by Jacques on the electromagnetic transmission signal biological low frequency waves that resonate with the biological receptor.  Professor PAOLO SOTGIU, vice-chancellor of the LUDES also intervened and spoke about the cellular memory, professor Mario TIENGO, President of the Italian league of the fight against pain - having been retained in Milan for  health reasons, published on the web the written version of his intervention planned on applications of the new researches in pain control - and professor VINCENZO VALENZI who spoke about his work on the biophysics of water. New means are at stake for a better understanding of the biological functioning and to fight the new illnesses which affect and anguish us.


Which was not my happiness to see the work of my father pursued by a great researcher of international fame. And was my happiness not multiplied tenfold when I learn on October 6th, 2008 that the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Professor Luc Montagnier, one year after he announced publicly at Lugano his trust in the impact of Jacques' works  in digital biology:  "a very difficult, but very promising ground", he says, " and I think that, Benveniste... finally we shall recognize that he was right ".

In 2008, two fundamental scientific conferences benefited from the support of the Association. 

The conference "XVI International Conference and Debating Scientific Club: New Information Technology in Medicine, Pharmacology, Biology and Ecology" was held in Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gourzuf, from May 31st to June 9th, 2008. It is a very important annual conference on new technologies in medicine, pharmacology, biology and ecology. The
« Association Jacques Benveniste pour la Recherche » offered a grant of 500 euro to prolong the effort achieved within the framework of the "Jacques Benveniste Award 2007".

The grant was awarded to one of the winners of this prize: Prof. Svetlana M . Rogacheva, of the Department of Ecology, Technical University of State of Saratov, Russia, for its works on the protection of the cells from microwave radiations by Metronidazole, an antibiotic which seems to protect the red blood cells from the electromagnetic radiation of low intensity in the range of 50 to 70 GHz by reorganizing the structure of water. Professor Svetlana Rogacheva leads this research in association with Pavel Kuznetsov, Era Popyhova and Alexander Somov. These results were presented in the frame of the Symposium " Quantum Electrodynamics of condensed matter and problems in Biology and Medicine " chaired by Hon. Sci. of RF Prof. M.N . Zhadin (Russia) and Prof. L. Giuliani (Italy).

Let us underline a fundamental paper presented to this Symposium: " The Biophysical Basis of Water Memory " by A. Widom (Physics Department, Northeastern University, Boston MY, the USA), Y.N. Srivastava (Physics Department & INFN, Università di Perugia, Perugia, IT) and V. Valenzi (Centro Studi di Biometeorologia and CIFA, Università di Roma, Roma IT). See the summary: bio_conf_widom.pdf and the presentation: bio_conf_Yalta08_ppt.pdf on the web site of the Association

The 2nd conference is entitled " Molecular Self-Organization in Micro-, Nano-, and Macro-Dimensions:
 From Molecules to Water, to Nanoparticles, DNA and Proteins", dedicated to Alexander S . Davydov for his 95th birthday, who was held in Kiev, Ukraine, from 8 till 12 June 2008. A selection of summaries was relayed by the Association
's web site (see NATO-ARW-Kiev-abstract-selection.pdf)

We remind you that the professors M.N. Zhadin, A. Widom and V. Valenzi are members of the Scientific Committee of the Association

For 2009, we shall of course continue our effort to publish the book in English and in Spanish, and why not other languages, maybe German or Russian, by relying on the skills gathered within the Scientific Committee of the Association. But the priority objective is to award the Jacques Benveniste Prize again this year, according to our objective to award it every 2 years, on the occasion of the conference "Cosmos and Biosphere".

To reach our goal it is necessary to raise the funds for the Award.

In conclusion, I would remind that, until his passing, Jacques Benveniste made progress in his research, surrounded with a restricted but multidisciplinary and dynamic team. We wish to pay here again tribute to all those who were loyally next to him and to all of those who had the courage to approach his "incredible" observations. Daily, Jacques spread treasures of enthusiasm and energy to convince new partners - that he found mainly abroad - and to collect the necessary funds in pursuit of his works. We decided to contribute to immortalize his memory and to encourage research, through the creation of the « Association Jacques Benveniste pour la Recherche ».

We count on you, the members of the Association, to act on two main directions: settle your contribution 2009, possibly that of the 2008 if it is not already made, and enrich and strengthen the Association by bringing in new members. Of course, beyond the contributions, more substantial donations are welcome given that the action of the Association has limits only in its financial support.

I do not think I am much mistaken  if I say to you that new discoveries in the field of digital biology and of the " memory of water " are going to go exponentially. I thank you for your support.

Sincerely yours,


Jérôme Benveniste

Chairman, « Association Jacques Benveniste pour la Recherche » 
81 rue Aristide Briand, 78130, Les Mureaux, France
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